Friday, January 9, 2009

Sorry I haven't blogged in such a long time, I will try to do better this year!
Happy 2009!!!
Happy New Year to all!!
I hope that 2009 is a great year for all of you!!
Keep safe and Happy!

Love to all!
Theresa and Family

Kimberly playing the drums on "rock band" she is getting very good!!

Kelly and the gang rocking on the "rock band" wii game. Wow what fun we all have had on that!!!

Nope that is not Hannah...its Katie! "Best of Both Worlds" Rock on!!!

Katie with her guitar from Santa, she has been rocking out!!

Here is what they saw as the went into the family room. Shirts for all 5 of us, & Mickey & Minnie to greet them, also I made a countdown board for the girls to keep track of the "days till Disney"
as of today we are at "53" days!!! Yippee I can't wait either!! Hee Hee!

Here are the girls going into the family room to check out their BIG surprise from Dad & I...guess what it is, check out the faces as they realize!!!!!
Yes we are going to DISNEY!!! "Finally" as Katie has said!!! She has been wanting to go all this year!

Santa came to our house!!!
Here are the girls checking their stockings.

Kelly, Katie, & Kimberly Christmas morning ready to come down and see if Santa had come to our house!! They were all very excited!! So were Mark and I, it is so fun to see them get so excited!!

The girls Christmas Eve sprinkling their reindeer dust for Santa's reindeer...they have done this every year and truly enjoy it!

The girls doing their last minute wrapping for Christmas...they shopped & bought gifts for Mom, Dad and all the grandparents with their own money that they earned from doing chores...they were all very proud of the gifts they were able to get.